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Shootout Trickery

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Shootout Trickery Empty Shootout Trickery

Post  taylor Thu Jan 14, 2010 2:15 am

one guy is walking somewhere shady
and a guy comes up behind him, knife, gun, whatever
guy one walks in, guy 2 sneaks up
ayways, guy 2 explains why he's getting revenge on guy 1
but then guy 3 comes out, and explains why he wants to get revenge on guy 2
to guy one and two
so now, there are three guys
the guns go 3->2 and 2->1
they're in like a triangle shape
then, guy one pull out two more guns and explains how he manipulated the both of them here.
and say they talk, they realize yet another party was manipulating them
you here a clapping, and GUY 4 comes around the corner with a "very good, gentlement"
then, guys 1, 2, and 3 all turn and shoot guy 4, cutting him off
they then turn to eachother and say "well that went well." "I can't beleive he fell for it" "let's go get some lunch"
the explantions would have to be simple to fit it into 5 minutes
but it would keep the comedy rolling


Posts : 4
Join date : 2010-01-14

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